...more about Courtney


Coffee has always been my passion! It all started when I was about ten years old when my Grandma sneakily gave my sister and I her full of sugar, flavored coffee...it was at that moment that I started "drinking"...and never stopped. People often ask me, "what is your draw to coffee", or "why do you like it so much?" After putting some thought into this, I cannot deny that I love coffee for numerous reasons. I love how intricately it is made, from start to finish.

The aroma itself is invigorating and so inviting even for non-coffee drinkers. And how fascinating that there are so many variations used to make a nice hot cup. But most of all, the basis of why coffee is so important to me, is that it brings comfort, conversation, and connection. People all over the world, wake up and look forward to the comfort of a cup of hot coffee. For some it is a motivation to get out of bed.

Most importantly, to me coffee brings conversation and connection. I live in a small town and our local coffee shop has been the landmark for so many monumental events in the lives of the people who live here. So the phrase, "let's have coffee together", doesn't just mean coffee, it is an invitation for conversation and connection between people.

Aside from loving coffee, I am also very passionate about travel and seeing the world. I tend to take many trips and at each location I must have coffee, no matter the price. Recently in Switzerland I paid six Francs for a latte. Honestly, I didn't mind because I spent the money on something that I love...coffee, not to mention to experience the location itself through the taste of their coffee.

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